Saturday, February 19, 2005

Back to College

So last night I stepped back into college life, for the most part. Me and our roommate Janelle, decided to cook for everyone and then hang out. Well everyone turned out for this event a total of 8 people in all. I made a modified fish taco, and she made fried plantain, Columbian style. We drank Caiprinha´s and hung out. Unfortunately Gab had to work in the morning and had to turn in early, so she missed out on the singing and joking(in Spanish) that lasted till 4:30 in the morning. Strange to be back in college and not understand all the joking. Also strange that most of the songs that were sung were in English with Spanish accents, again not always easy to understand. While this experience is good for both of us, I'm now realizing how hard it is and is going to be. I'm a long ways from understanding enough to deal with wild arguments about soccer teams and silly jokes about life. I also realize that we need to do a lot to get back to where we were in Minnesota. Before we left we were secure and comfortable, this has now been pushed back and we again need to work towards that. I wouldn't give up what we've done for the world, but I now know it's a long road before us. We take so much for granted everyday when life is comfortable, and now, as cheesy as it sounds, I'm learning to take nothing for granted anymore. Ordering food, buying a bus ticket, getting directions, for the next few months none of these things can be taken for granted. I remember in Brasil the first time I could order something without practicing it 10 times in order to get it right. What an awesome feeling! Can't wait for that feeling again. At least next week I will have a short experience with it, when I go to Portugal to visit Jose and Isa, friends of the family. I look forward to their hospitality and the Portuguese I can once again sound confident in. I only wish Gab could come share it with me.

Today is gorgeous out and I might just take a walk, after I figure out how to order some food! Till soon, Ryan

PS Send your good JUJU to Lisa Podratz, last night she had her baby! Wooo HOOOO!!! (oh yeah it's a girl!)


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