Tuesday, March 15, 2005

A thought

Strange things move you when you’re out of your safe zone.

Sometimes it’s a phrase someone says to you.

Sometimes a smell.

Today I was on the Metro coming home from my Spanish class. Crowded no, but busy. I stood in the middle of car where there was no wall to lean on. This is a problem when the bus moves and makes it hard to keep from falling. Around me were business men and a pair of girls having a flirt session with a of pair boys on the opposite side of the car. I was trying to keep from being annoyed, not knowing what to do with myself, having completed my one task for the day. I wasn’t feeling sad, maybe frustrated or just lonely. Looking up I saw my stop was next. As the train slowly came to a stop I lifted the handle to open the door. Suddenly I was hit with a scent. Out of place and without context it made me inhale deeply, something one normally does not try to do while in the Metro. For a moment I was wrapped in the perfume of my mom’s sun tea, fresh off the porch poured over ice and with a dash of sugar. Where it came from I do not know but it left a smile as it faded into the stale metro air.

Sometimes the simplest things make life easier.


At 3/16/2005 09:32:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aye, Ryan, I enjoy your writings. You are taken care of and this was a nice gift to move you along in your day.

I am using Susan's name for the moment as I have not created my own.

Ok, here is the name and address for Aldo. He is the foreing exchange student who lived with the family for a period of time. He is from Uruguay and now living in Spain. I have sent him your blog address.

Aldo Roncagliolo
Alicante, Spain

Greetings Gab ... Keep the feet moving, awareness tuned and joy in your heart.

The best to the two of you.


At 3/17/2005 06:32:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ryan, sorry to hijack your blog but we seem to have misplaced the note you sent with your email address. I was out of the country (Shanghai) when you sent the note about leaving and you were gone by the time I got back - I wish I had a chance to stop by and say good-bye. Anyway, it looks like you're enjoying things in Spain and learning how to adjust to another place/culture. You put some thought into your postings - kind of reminds me of my trips to Europe (including the chip-eater)!

Take care and all the best with your journey. Oh, and get yourself to Belgium and drink your way across the country!


At 3/17/2005 01:28:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ryan - Loved reading about the smell of tea! Made me miss you all the more...glad it brought a smile to your face. Getting dumped with lots of snow tonight so so sun tea for awhile. LOL XXOO Mom


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